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  • theencoreclinic

Vaginal Rejuvenation Procedures and How Does it Recover?

A non-invasive laser procedure called laser vaginal tightening encourages the growth of specific cell types, which helps to tighten loosening vaginal walls. It is particularly well-known for its ability to promote sexual arousal between partners and tonify a woman's pelvic muscles.

Multiple 20–25 minutes sessions spaced out by 15–20 days are required to complete the procedure. It is an in-clinic procedure that doesn't need anesthetic or a stay in the hospital.

A laser probe is then inserted after the doctor has first used a special speculum to access your Laser Vaginal Tightening Denver. The laser heat is active for about 5 to 10 minutes while the probe is inside your vaginal canal. This heat causes the collagen in the nearby tissues to become active, which aids in the development of new cells. Your vagina feels more toned and tight. Read more details...

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